Monday 6 October 2014

Some late night thoughts (motivation)

So, I just realized how long it had been since my last post... I knew it had been awhile, but 3 months?! Wow... Ok, so it's obvious I am not motivated to keep this up. I really not motivated to do anything right now. I want to say it's a stage in life, but it's not. It's a habit I have developed. "I won't bother doing this today, I can do it tomorrow. I'll do this test later this week. I'll write this paragraph next week." It's all been said to myself. And let me tell you, it's a battle to do anything some days. Everyone has bad days, it becomes a problem when those "bad days" are everyday. Those lazy "I don't feel like doing anything today" kind of days. Sometimes the days of not feeling like doing anything are everyday. Every. Single. Day. And it's a battle to get anything done! But I have to. I'm in grade 10. No longer a carefree child. It matters that I finish these school courses! It matters that I get good grades! It matters that I don't just give up. No matter how much I just want to toss the textbooks and give up, I can't do that. For many reasons. My education is important. As I'm writing this, I'm trying to convince myself of that. Today was another PJ pants and t-shirt, not feeling like doing much kind of days. I got lots done, but not everything done. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. I have to get up early, which might not be a bad thing to force myself to be up, dressed, and out the door before 9:30. But I will have to work hard to get everything done! I'm going to Cubbies with my little brother in the morning. I can take school with me, but I will have to force myself to do it, instead of just watch the kids do their thing. In the afternoon I will have to get as much done as possible. It will be hard, but I can do it. I can do it. Say that to yourself if you are struggling with procrastination, demotivation (my dictionary says that isn't a word, but whatever), or just being lazy. I know I struggle with this. But I can conquer this bad habit with God's help! It's ok to have bad days!! Let me tell you a secret, well the world thinks it should be a secret, everyone has bad days! Everyone!! Yes, even Miss Perfect popular girl or Super Mom! But you can't let bad days rule you! Don't let everyday be a lazy sweat pants and hoodie kind of day! Get some work done! Maybe sit down with your planner and see what needs to be done for today. Then get it done! As soon as you can! You'll feel way better sitting down at the end of the day, finished everything that needed to be done. Then you can relax without the stress of unfinished work! And if you don't manage to get through everything on your to-do list, then relax and don't stress over it. Keep working at it. Maybe it needs to be saved for the next day. But when that next day comes, get it done!! Don't leave something important on the back burner. Trust me on that one. I have stories...I'm speaking to myself more than anyone else! Remember everyone has their struggles. Everyone has a different situation. Some people are lazy. Some people overwork. Some people try so hard to get everything done that they burn out. Try to balance your life. Maybe there are some things that really don't need to be on your plate. Get rid of them! If they are causing too much stress, then maybe it's time to let them go. You know your life. And God knows your life! Pray, pray, pray. Pray that you can balance your life. Pray that you can do what you need to. Ask God to help you, and He will.

So, anyway, this has been Late Nights Thoughts with Rebecca! (should this become a thing? not sure what my energy levels will think though...) It feels good to have that off my chest!

I have learned it's difficult to type in the dark with only the screen for light. Definitely improves typing skills!! Forgive me for any spelling and grammar errors. It's late.


  1. Finally, somebody else understands!

    1. I totally understand!! Life is hard, but we can't let it get the best of us.

  2. we had a good sermon about this on Sunday; he said that God created us to have dominion over the rest of creation. Than sin came, and even in heaven we will be serving the Lord, which is work. We can't have attitude of the world which is "I can't wait until school or work or whatever is done! Than I can relax!" No we worship God through our work. Its really helped me get working.

    1. That is definitely a good reminder!! "do everything without groaning and complaining, but do everything as unto God" or something like that... Can't remember the exact verse.


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